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Whitstable Junior School

Learning today for life tomorrow

Secondary Transition for 2024

Applications for transfer to secondary school in September 2024 opened on Thursday 1 September and will close at midnight on TUESDAY 31 October 2023.

Admissions guide to Secondary Schools in 2024:

Follow this link to apply online: Kent Secondary admissions

Please come to our Information session for parents on October 10th at 6pm where we will explain the process in more detail and provide support and advice.

Additional information

You can name up to 4 school preferences on your secondary school application. 

Some schools may need you to complete an additional form called a Supplementary Information Form (SIF).

Please contact the secondary school to obtain the form.

Special educational needs and disabilities children

Most children with special educational needs and disabilities can attend mainstream schools, whether or not they have an education health and care (EHC) plan.

If your child has an EHC plan their school placement will be arranged by the SEN Team.

Find out more about applying for a school place for your SEND child.


If you provided an email address on your application Kent Admissions will email you on Friday 1 March 2024 after 4pm to tell you which school you have been offered.

You can also log in to view your offer online on Friday 4th March 2024.

Offer emails will be sent to the email address provided on your application.

Kent Admissions cannot guarantee the exact time you will receive your email, this will depend on your email service provider.

Due to data protection restrictions, Kent Admissions cannot send the offer to an alternate address without authorisation from the original email account. If you have changed email address, please ensure you can still access the original one so you can receive your offer, or you can view your offer online.

If you need to reset your password, you must use the email address you registered with.

We strongly advise you to accept the school offer given, even if you wish to appeal to another school listed on your application.

Term 6:

Once the secondary school places have been accepted, the secondary schools will contact WJS to arrange for a member of their staff to come into school to chat with your child. They will also meet with their class teacher and SENCo (if required) to share transition information (such as academic achievement, attendance, special arrangements, friendships).  

Parents will be informed of when the secondary schools will be visiting the children via our School Newsletter.

You will also receive information directly to your email with details of information evenings and transition days. Most secondary schools have the first Thursday of July as the day the children are invited to attend their new Secondary school for the day (wearing WJS school uniform) some schools do extend this to up to 5 days.