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Whitstable Junior School

Learning today for life tomorrow

Sex Education Curriculum

During Term 6, in years 4, 5, and 6 the children undertake the Sex and Health aspects of the statutory Relationships Education curriculum. Below is an outline of the curriculum coverage that the children will be experiencing during this term.

All the lessons outlined below have been developed to correspond with other schools both locally and nationally and with careful consideration of the individual and collective needs of the children. 

It is, of course, your parental/carers right to decide what is the best way to approach these topics, and therefore we have included the planning and resources below to provide you with the opportunity to reflect and decide if you are happy that your child be part of these lessons.

At WJS, we hold great value in the importance of preparing the children to be successful young adults and feel that these lessons are just as important as any other, but at the same time should you wish your child to learn about these topics via yourself (and therefore not take part in the lessons during term 6 at school) then please email me (on the email address stated below)  so that the class teacher and I can prepare for alternative provision for your child. Lessons will commence during term 6 

Should you be unable to access the resources below and/or would prefer to discuss any of the content of our Sex and Relationships Education for Term 6, then please do not hesitate to contact me, via the school office or email:

Below are links to some of the books and/or websites we use during the lessons: 

Hair in Funny Places - Babette Cole

What's Happening to me for Boys - Usborne Books

What's Happening to me for Girls - Usborne Books

Where Willy Went - Nicholas Allen (Year 6)

Animated stories from this site for year 6 will include:

-Goldilocks and 5 bear families (exploring different family set-ups)

-Prince Henry (exploring marrying someone that you love regardless of gender)

-Jamie (exploring transgender, similar storyline to Cinderella )

-Kenny lives with Erica and Martina (exploring cultural diversity within families)