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Whitstable Junior School

Learning today for life tomorrow

Year 6 SAT's information

The Year 6 children’s End of Key Stage 2 Tests are from Monday 13th May until Thursday 16thth May 2024,

Below is information about which tests are taking place each day and their duration, as well as how you may be able to support your child. You will also have received a letter providing further information via email.


When are each of the tests during the week?


Test Type


Monday 13th May 2024

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

20 minutes for the spelling test

45 minutes for the Grammar and Punctuation test.

Tuesday 14th May 2024

English Reading Paper

60 minutes – 3 different texts to read and answer questions related to the text.

Wednesday 15th May 2024

Arithmetic Paper 1

30 minutes for the arithmetic test – covering the 4 operations, fractions, decimals, % and BIDMAS

Reasoning Paper 2

40 minutes for the reasoning test – involving real life problems related to the all of the KS2 concepts.

Thursday 16th May 2024

Reasoning Paper3

40 minutes for the reasoning test – involving real life problems related to the all of the KS2 concepts.


How you can support your child:

  • Reassure them that they just have to try their best on the day.
  • Encouraging them to spend 10-20 minutes a day reading a challenging book, practising their spelling and timetables.
  • Keeping an early and regular bedtime routine in the days leading up to and including the test week.
  • Ensure your child has breakfast every day.
  • Access to past SATs paper via:


During the SATs week:

The children can arrive as normal but from 8.30am every morning the children will have access to breathing and relaxation sessions with the WBT to help calm any nerves, plus a light breakfast to set the day off to a good start.

Throughout the week the children will be given rest breaks and time to relax through PE, Art and ICT once the tests are completed.


Please could you make sure that your child has a water bottle, a mid-morning snack and their reading glasses (should they require them). They can also bring in a small cuddly toy or fiddle toy (that does not make any noise) which may help reassure them.


What should you do if your child is unwell or late during the week?

Should your child become unwell during the week, please don’t feel that they should come in, just call the office and we can make alternative arrangements for the tests to be taken at another time, once they are feeling better. However, we would appreciate it if you could avoid them having contact with their classmates who have already taken the missed test(s) due to testing regulations. Should you be running late, just call the office and we can still ensure your child takes the test that day, once they have arrived.